FCC Revives Net Neutrality, Setting Stage for Fair Internet Access

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FCC Revives Net Neutrality, Setting Stage
for Fair Internet Access


  • The FCC has reinstated net neutrality rules, a blow to major internet service providers.
  • These regulations prevent blocking or throttling of online traffic, ensuring a level playing field for users.
  • The 3-2 vote enforces guidelines that prohibit companies like Comcast and AT&T from discriminating against different types of internet traffic.
  • This mirrors the 2015 action when net neutrality was first enacted.
  • Critics argued that the absence of regulations did not lead to a hierarchical internet system, but recent state laws have moderated the actions of major internet providers.
  • Congress has struggled to pass definitive net neutrality legislation, leaving the FCC to step in.

In a landmark decision, the FCC has declared the return of net neutrality rules, marking a significant setback for major internet service providers. The regulators have reintroduced strict guidelines that prevent the blocking or throttling of online traffic, ensuring a neutral digital field for users.

The 3-2 vote, sharply divided along party lines, enforces regulations that bar major companies such as Comcast, AT&T, and Verizon from discriminating against different types of internet traffic. This move mirrors the 2015 action when net neutrality was first enacted under the classification of internet services as common carriers—akin to telephone services, providing the FCC with the authority to enforce comprehensive net neutrality regulations.

However, this policy faced a reversal less than three years later under the Trump administration, leading to widespread protests both online and outside FCC premises. Critics of net neutrality had argued that the absence of such regulations did not result in the feared hierarchical internet system. Yet, proponents highlight how recent state laws have moderated the actions of significant internet providers, showing a visible impact of regulatory measures on maintaining net equity.

Despite various attempts over the past decade and a half, Congress has struggled to pass definitive net neutrality legislation, leaving the FCC to take charge in the interim.

FCC chair Jessica Rosenworcel, advocating for the reinstatement, emphasized the critical role of broadband during the pandemic, which turned from a luxury to a necessity. “Four years ago, the pandemic reshaped our existence, pushing us to rely entirely on broadband for work, school, and healthcare, making it evident that broadband access is not just beneficial but essential for every American,” Rosenworcel stated during the hearing.

This pivotal stance by the FCC marks a significant step towards ensuring that broadband, an essential service in modern life, remains accessible and equitable for all, underscoring the importance of regulatory oversight in the digital age.

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