Join InterCure Ltd. at the Canaccord Genuity 8th Annual Global Cannabis Conference

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Join InterCure Ltd. at the
Canaccord Genuity 8th Annual Global Cannabis Conference

Explore Cannabis Innovations with InterCure Ltd. at
Canaccord Genuity’s Global Conference


  • InterCure Ltd. (NASDAQ: INCR) (TASE: INCR), also known as Canndoc, is excited to announce its participation in the Canaccord Genuity 8th Annual Global Cannabis Conference on May 23, 2024, at the Westin NY Grand Central Hotel in New York City.
  • This prestigious event will bring together top leaders from the cannabis industry, including InterCure’s CEO, Alex Rabinovitch, for panel discussions, fireside chats, and one-on-one meetings to network and share insights about the evolving cannabis sector.

InterCure Ltd. (NASDAQ: INCR) (TASE: INCR), widely known as Canndoc, is thrilled to announce its participation in the upcoming Canaccord Genuity 8th Annual Global Cannabis Conference. This prestigious event will take place on May 23, 2024, at the Westin NY Grand Central Hotel in New York City. The conference will gather top leaders from across the cannabis industry, including InterCure’s CEO, Alex Rabinovitch. The event promises a variety of enriching activities such as panel discussions, fireside chats, and one-on-one meetings, offering a unique platform for networking and sharing insights about the evolving cannabis sector.

Overview of the Conference

The Canaccord Genuity 8th Annual Global Cannabis Conference is one of the most significant events in the cannabis industry. It provides a comprehensive forum for industry professionals, investors, and enthusiasts to explore the latest trends, investment opportunities, and innovations within the cannabis market. The agenda includes:

  • Panel Discussions: Covering crucial topics such as regulatory changes, market expansion, and technological advancements in cannabis cultivation and distribution.
  • Fireside Chats: Featuring candid conversations with industry leaders who share their vision and strategies for the future of cannabis.
  • One-on-One Meetings: Providing an exclusive opportunity to network with key players, fostering potential business collaborations and investment opportunities.

For more details on the agenda and event specifics, visit the Canaccord Genuity 8th Annual Global Cannabis Conference website.

Insights from Alex Rabinovitch, CEO of InterCure

Alex Rabinovitch, CEO of InterCure, is slated to play a pivotal role in the conference, sharing his deep insights into the global cannabis market. Under his leadership, InterCure has solidified its reputation as a leading global cannabis company based outside North America, with a particular emphasis on innovation and quality.

Rabinovitch will discuss:

  • InterCure’s strategic initiatives: Including market expansion plans and partnerships aimed at scaling operations and enhancing product offerings.
  • Industry contributions: Highlighting how InterCure’s advancements in cannabis research and development are setting new standards for the industry.
  • Future outlook: Offering predictions on market trends and regulatory changes that could impact the global cannabis landscape.

Impact of Global Conferences on the Cannabis Industry

Conferences like the Canaccord Genuity Annual Global Cannabis Conference play a transformative role in the cannabis industry. They help shape industry trends, provide critical insights into investment opportunities, and foster a collaborative environment for industry growth. Key impacts include:

  • Trend Analysis: Attendees gain access to cutting-edge research and analyses, helping them stay ahead of industry trends.
  • Investment Insights: Investors can identify lucrative opportunities by interacting directly with industry leaders and understanding their business models.
  • Networking Opportunities: These events facilitate connections between stakeholders, leading to potential partnerships and collaborations that drive industry innovation.

Canndoc’s Latest Developments and Innovations

As InterCure’s subsidiary, Canndoc has been at the forefront of several groundbreaking developments in the cannabis sector. Recent innovations include:

  • New Product Launches: Introducing advanced cannabis strains and products that cater to diverse consumer needs.
  • Technological Advancements: Implementing cutting-edge cultivation and processing technologies to ensure the highest quality standards.
  • Research Collaborations: Partnering with leading research institutions to explore the medicinal benefits of cannabis and develop new therapeutic applications.

InterCure’s Commitment to Education, Industry Leadership, and Global Expansion

InterCure’s participation in the Canaccord Genuity Conference underscores its commitment to education, industry leadership, and global expansion. By engaging in such high-profile events, InterCure aims to:

  • Educate Stakeholders: Provide valuable insights and knowledge to industry peers, investors, and consumers about the evolving cannabis market.
  • Exhibit Leadership: Demonstrate its role as a pioneering force in the cannabis industry, driving innovation and setting benchmarks for quality and excellence.
  • Promote Global Growth: Leverage the conference platform to expand its global footprint, exploring new markets and establishing strategic partnerships.

Call to Action

We invite you to join InterCure and Canndoc at the Canaccord Genuity 8th Annual Global Cannabis Conference. Engage with our team, explore our latest innovations, and discover how we are shaping the future of the cannabis industry. Reach out to InterCure for more information or to reserve your spot for the VIP viewing.


The Canaccord Genuity 8th Annual Global Cannabis Conference is poised to be a landmark event for the cannabis industry. With InterCure Ltd. (Canndoc) playing a central role, attendees can look forward to a wealth of knowledge, networking opportunities, and insights into the future of cannabis. Join us on May 23, 2024, at the Westin NY Grand Central Hotel in New York City, and be part of this transformative experience.

For additional details and to RSVP, please visit the Canaccord Genuity 8th Annual Global Cannabis Conference website or contact InterCure directly through email or phone.

Stay informed, stay connected, and let’s shape the future of cannabis together!

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