Advocate for Marijuana Legalization in Wisconsin: A Call to Action

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Advocate for Marijuana Legalization in Wisconsin:
A Call to Action

Why Wisconsin Needs to Legalize Marijuana:
A Comprehensive Call to Action

Listen: Wisconsin Weed


  • Advocate for Marijuana Legalization in Wisconsin: Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson is urging Wisconsin to legalize marijuana, citing the potential economic benefits, including tax revenue that can support essential services.
  • Neighboring states like Michigan, Illinois, and Minnesota have already legalized marijuana, reaping positive impacts on tax revenues and community services.

With the recent reclassification of marijuana by the Biden Administration from a Schedule I drug, deemed the most dangerous, to a Schedule III drug, there is a burgeoning opportunity for states to reassess their stance on marijuana legislation. Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson is one such advocate, urging Wisconsin to legalize the sale of marijuana.

Mayor Johnson emphasizes the potential economic benefits, stating:

“Those are dollars that could be taxed, that could then go on to support various essential services right here in Wisconsin. Whether it’s schools, roads, or local government needs, you name it—those dollars are currently being spent by Wisconsinites, but Wisconsin isn’t reaping the benefits through taxation.”

Regional Comparisons

Neighboring states like Michigan, Illinois, and Minnesota have already legalized the recreational sale of marijuana, setting a progressive example that Wisconsin could follow. These states are seeing the positive impacts of marijuana tax revenues supporting critical infrastructure and community services.

Current Status and Legislative Challenges in Wisconsin

Despite the clear advantages, marijuana remains illegal in Wisconsin. Republican legislators have continuously blocked efforts to legalize it. However, this has not stopped marijuana from making its presence felt, even at the Capitol in Madison. Recently, several marijuana plants were found deliberately planted in a tulip bed on the Capitol grounds, highlighting the persistent demand for legalization.

The Case for Legalization

Legalizing marijuana in Wisconsin would not only align the state with its progressive neighbors but also unlock significant economic opportunities. The revenue from taxed marijuana sales could be channeled into much-needed public projects, enhancing the quality of life for all residents.


The time for change is now. By legalizing marijuana, Wisconsin can benefit from increased tax revenue, improved public services, and a reduction in the illicit market. Let’s follow the lead of Michigan, Illinois, and Minnesota and move towards a more progressive and economically sound future.

Join us in advocating for the legalization of marijuana in Wisconsin. The potential benefits are too substantial to ignore.

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3 thoughts on “Advocate for Marijuana Legalization in Wisconsin: A Call to Action

  1. I moved from Florida where it’s legal for medical. The least you can do is try out the medical first. I don’t know what I’m going to do because I’ve been on medical marijuana for a while for my pain. So I guess I’m just going to have to figure something out because people in the government are generated to know that this is really a beneficial thing.

  2. Legal Marijuana, in Wisconsin already, it’s far too long. Prohibition didn’t even last that long and it causes more problems than marijuana ever did legalize it already would you there are people in Wisconsin that need it for medical also I just wish you would legalize it.

  3. I’ve been waiting for years for legalization. Come on Wisconsin, move forward with it already!

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